Once a person becomes a Christian they are, as Jesus says, “born again” (In the Bible, see the book of John, chapter 3, verses 1 to 8)
After this, the new Christian will change and grow – sometimes dramatically; sometimes more slowly, but they will grow. God expects us to grow, and He will teach us and give us His Holy Spirit to enable us to grow by the power, wisdom and instruction of His Word (the Bible) and by His Holy Spirit.
Growing plants produce “fruit” – leaves, flowers, seeds, or other fruit such as apples, pears. This is what we expect. And God expects us to grow too, and produce the 'fruit of the Spirit' – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (see Galatians, chapter 5, verses 22 to 26), and the fruit of obedience to Him, and a productive Christian life.
In order to grow in our Christian lives, we need to learn what God teaches through the Bible, and also how to hear what God is saying to us through His Spirit.
Life Training School simply seeks to help Christians grow, by teaching what God has to say to us in the Bible, and by His Spirit.
This program consists of an introductory series of Bible studies. There are also further Bible study books online, and some are available in printed form. See the Bible Study books tab, above.
There is no charge for any of this. You do not have to enrol, or even give us your name or email address!
If you would like to contact us about matters relating to the Life Training School you can do so by emailing us at ifnz@xtra.co.nz
I also run Pray for the Nation (also known as Intercessors for New Zealand). This website encourages people to Pray for the Nation, and contains further materials for prayer, prayer suggestions, and Bible teaching, especially relating to prayer and prayer topics, etc. Its website is: https://www.pray-for-the-nation.org Email: ifnz@xtra.co.nz
Brian Caughley, for Life Training School
- Click the Good News tab and read the two articles: What Next? and Ever Been Cheated? These two articles do not end with questions, but if you wish to respond to them in any way, please email us at the above email address.
- Go through the six Life Principles lessons, and answer the questions at the end of each lesson.
- The next 3 tabs contain material on James' Letter to the early Christians (the Book of James); The Basics of the Christian Life; and where further Bible Study books can be obtained online, free of charge. These can be copied and printed if you wish.
The tabs at the top of this page take you to ...
Good News - Lessons on thinking about here and now; and about our future - then and where?
Life Principles - Lessons from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount (Matthew chapters 5, 6 and 7)
James' Letter - Lessons from James' Letter to Christians, about how we should live.
The Basics - Lessons on important aspects of daily Christian living: Now I'm a Christian - What Next?
Bible Study books - Further Lessons, in booklet form and/or online, which are available to you free.